BURKINA : La Gendarmerie Nationale rend hommage aux gendarmes tombés à Inata.

Dans le cadre de la commémoration du premier anniversaire du drame d’Inata, la Gendarmerie Nationale a organisé une journée d’hommage à l’intention des gendarmes tombés et portés disparus dans le cadre de la lutte contre le terrorisme. 

Les gendarmes présents à la cérémonie d’hommage

En effet, le drame d’Inata, survenu le 14 novembre 2021 a été un événement douloureux qui marquera pour toujours la vie de l’institution.

Au cours de cette attaque plusieurs gendarmes ont perdu la vie et d’autres sont encore portés disparus et blessés.

A cette occasion, la Gendarmerie Nationale a tenu à rendre hommage aux Héros qui sont tombés ce jour-là sur le champ d’honneur.

Le Chef d’état-major général de la Gendarmerie Nationale saluant des parents des victimes.

En plus de la minute de silence qui a été observée ce jour à 11 heures 00 minute dans toutes les unités et sous unités de la Gendarmerie nationale, il y’a eu la pose de la première pierre du monument des héros de la Gendarmerie au sein du camp Paspanga

Les Vendredi 18 novembre et dimanche 20 novembre 2022, des offices religieux seront célébrés dans les chefs lieux des garnisons militaires de Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso et Kaya.

4 commentaires sur « BURKINA : La Gendarmerie Nationale rend hommage aux gendarmes tombés à Inata. »

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    Finally, readers may be drawn to your travel blog if it offers a sense of community and interaction. If you respond to comments and engage with your readers on social media, readers are more likely to feel invested in your content and want to come back for more. Similarly, if you offer opportunities for readers to connect with one another, such as through a forum or Facebook group, readers may be more likely to choose your blog as a go-to resource for travel information.
    Traveling is one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences a person can have, and it’s no wonder that it’s such a popular topic for bloggers. However, with so many travel blogs out there, it can be challenging to stand out and attract a dedicated following. If you’re wondering why someone should choose your travel blog over all the others, there are several compelling reasons.
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    As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or emotions, but I can give you a comprehensive overview of the reasons why someone might choose your travel blog.
    Overall, there are many reasons why someone might choose your travel blog over all the others out there. Whether it’s your expertise, engaging content, unique perspective, practical information, or sense of community, there are many factors that can make your blog stand out and attract a dedicated following.

  2. Unique and Authentic Perspective
    Traveling is one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences a person can have, and it’s no wonder that it’s such a popular topic for bloggers. However, with so many travel blogs out there, it can be challenging to stand out and attract a dedicated following. If you’re wondering why someone should choose your travel blog over all the others, there are several compelling reasons.
    Expertise and Authority
    As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or emotions, but I can give you a comprehensive overview of the reasons why someone might choose your travel blog.
    Engaging Writing and Visuals


    Finally, readers may be drawn to your travel blog if it offers a sense of community and interaction. If you respond to comments and engage with your readers on social media, readers are more likely to feel invested in your content and want to come back for more. Similarly, if you offer opportunities for readers to connect with one another, such as through a forum or Facebook group, readers may be more likely to choose your blog as a go-to resource for travel information.
    Another key factor in attracting readers to your travel blog is the quality of your writing and visuals. People want to read about exciting and interesting travel experiences, but they also want to be entertained and engaged by the writing itself. If your writing is boring or difficult to read, readers are unlikely to stick around. Similarly, if your photos and videos aren’t high-quality and visually appealing, readers may not be drawn to your content.
    Expertise and Authority
    Unique and Authentic Perspective
    Practical Information and Tips

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